Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Taking a deep breath~

My generous neighbor has allowed use of her field for the horses while we work on our pastures and clear property. Not only has she given me grazing for the girls, she's given me the gift of time. Once the mares have breakfasted, they stand at the gate patiently waiting for their halters. Some mornings, I simply knot the rope around Rio's halter, climb aboard and pony Hobby down the road. Other mornings, we meander the half-mile or so to the gate. But every morning I take this quiet time to re-group. Today the gardenias along Hope's road are all in bloom. Summer is already heavy in the air and the Spanish Moss doesn't stir. Rain lilies are blooming and the Resurrection Fern is green and happy again. For these few moments, the to-do list is gone, the assorted worries of the day are postponed and I feel happiness bubbling up inside me. Rio and I have a comfortable chat about the big horsey fun she will have today. Some days she is my confidante and other days we discuss problems she might be having.Hobby just tags along, lost in her own thoughts and keeping an eye peeled for horse-eaters. I am on my own on the way return but not alone. This morning butterflies are everywhere. The blooming jessamine comes on a slight breeze and a squirrel chatters at me for disturbing him. The cows are already knee-deep in McCormic's pond and Sweet Muley from one field over is pacing me down the fence-line. My petronus - a red-shouldered hawk- wheels around overhead. God's in His heaven and all's right with the world.

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